ÿRSFTSTYL*¸:Autism Adulthood-20220708ûû"MAL VancouverûûMedicined This is the style for Autism in Adulthood, published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers. For Web References, the "Access Date" field should be populated with a full date, including slashes. For example... March 10th 2020 should be listed as: 3/10/2020!X"(#$%&"(#)$%&.Autism in AdulthoodûûJMary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishersûû https://home.liebertpub.com/publications/autism-in-adulthood/646/for-authors| !hpqrs…t¨xPyz{  , !|  , !xPyzd{  , !|  , !uh}~, et al.€‚, . . . ƒ„vw ---ûû!"hpqrs…t¨xPyz{  , !|  , !xPyzd{  , !|  , !uh}~, et al.€‚, . . . ƒ„vw ---ûû!#| Ä¡¢´t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  ;ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  (ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  ):!–—h‘’ “” • –—Œ‘+’ “”$ , doi:!• –˜˜— \¡¢Lt‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘ ’ “” •  : !–—t‘ ’ “” •  ; !–—t‘’ “” •  .ûû!–— Ì¡¢¼t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—x‘’ “” In: !• –—t‘’ “” •  . !–—˜‘ ’ “”  (ûû!•4 ". ed.)^eds.) ûû!–—t‘ ’ “” •  : !–—t‘ ’ “” •  ; !–—t‘’ “” •  ; !–—x‘’ “” pp. !• –—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— x¡ ¢h‘’ “” •8 &, (ed).^(eds). ûû!–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘ ’ “” •  : !–—t‘ ’ “” •  ; !–—t‘’ “” •  .ûû!–— ´¡¢¤t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘ ’ “” •  ; !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—¬‘’ “”8 (Available from: !•  ûû!–˜˜—¬‘’ “”8 ([Last Accessed; !•  ]ûû!–˜˜—t‘’ “”  .ûû!• –— \¡¢Lt‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘ ’ “” •  : !–—t‘ ’ “” •  ; !–—t‘’ “” •  .ûû!–—$|t‘@’ “” •  . !–—%'(°±²³&e()L|t‘+’ “”  , !• –—|t‘"’ “”  , !• –—|t‘’ “”  , !• –—°¨‘’ “”P >, edited and translated by ûû!• –—*@p0  ,ûû!213ˆ €¡¢ph‘@’  “” • –—Aˆ €¡¢ph‘@’  “” • –—4hpqrs…t¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and ûû!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ûû!uh}~, et al.€‚, . . . ƒ„vw B$  and ûû!C$  and ûû!5(°±²³64ÐÑÒ  -ûû!7dàá  ; !âåæç è 8h}~, et al.€‚, . . . ƒ„9:;  , !<=>?@¸PQZ  , !RSxpqrs…t¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and ûû!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ûû!uh}~, et al.€‚, . . . ƒ„vw ---ûû!Txpqrs…t¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and ûû!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ûû!uh}~, et al.€‚, . . . ƒ„vw ---ûû!UVWY,ÀÁÂÃÄ$ Ibid.!Ì„|‘’ “”$ Ibid.ûû!• –—Å$ Ibid.!ÆÇ ÈÉ ÊSxpqrs…t¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and ûû!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ûû!uh}~, et al.€‚, . . . ƒ„vw ---ûû!Txpqrs…t¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and ûû!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ûû!uh}~, et al.€‚, . . . ƒ„vw ---ûû!ËU[H  `ab<dc, Anonymousûû!(@ABC `ðñòóôõö÷øùú